Architecture Firm

“Architecture arouses sentiments in man. The architect's task, therefore, is to make those sentiments more precise”
Adolf Loos
Professional Services
For Rashwan, there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” project. Each service they offer is intentionally and thoughtfully designed to match the specific needs of every individual client. Find out more below.

Schematic Design
Schematic Design is a vital stage in every project, and the service that rashwan enjoys the most. No matter the size or scope of your planned project, get in touch to discuss what they can add to your plans.

Design Development
Design Development is one of the most important elements in the whole process. Done correctly, it can be a pivotal point in the project. Get in touch with rashwan to discuss more about what they provide with this particular service.

Contact information
1 Mohamed Said El-Halawany St, Sheraton Al Matar, El Nozha, Cairo Governorate 4471010, Egypt
+2 01099836697 / EGYPT
+2 01062227292 / EGYPT
+2 22667547 / EGYPT
+90 5526892125 / TÜRKEY
+90 5523859472 / TÜRKEY


